Tuesday 25 November 2014

C.  Comprehension Questions

1.     Who is Roberta Bondar?
          She is a Dr. Roberta Bondar is a physician (doctor), a scientist and a photographer.

2.     When was she born?
        she  was bornd  in Sault Ste-Marie, Ontario, in 1945.

3.     What did she have in her basement?
      Her father built a laboratory for her science experiments in their basement

4.     What did she study as a doctor and a scientist?
       She became a doctor and her specialty was neurologythe study of the brain.

5.     When did she fly in space?
She flew on the space shuttle Discovery   from January 22-30, 1992 .
6.     What did she write?
             Bondar wrote a book “Touching The Earth “in which she speaks of her space experience and her love of the planet. The view of Earth from space became a main part of her book
7.    Why did she take so many pictures of Canada’s national parks?

            she want to share her passion, admiration and deep respect for this part of the planet – our                Canada”.


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